nospringchick Member


  • This is my " do- over" too ! You can add me .
  • I'd like to lose 50 before I have a knee replaced. Then, I can add more exercise along with the change in eating. Let's get this done !
  • I am not a smoker, but am a definite food addict. This summer my repeat offense is with McDonald's Caramel Frappes : ( I want to get under 200 pounds before I have double knee surgery in March/April next spring. I think you really need a sense of humor to do this, or you won't stick to it--- or at least it wouldn't be any…
  • Hi ! I've just started my " Do-Over" . I have at least 75 pounds to lose. I've been focusing on that whole big number, but 2 weeks ago, decided to do baby steps --- by the week, by the pound, then by each 5 pounds. It works much better for ME to do it that way . I'm excited to see your board for us 50 +' ers ! Good luck to…
  • Hi ! I'm also a newbie to this site, and am very excited to be here ! I have no excuse for being at this weight other than the fact I recognize that I am a stress eater. My daughter , son-in-law, and their 2 boys ( 5 year & 1//12 years ) live in the upstairs of our house. Two months ago, we moved my 89 year old mom -in-law…
    in Hello Comment by nospringchick July 2011