rhealavonne Member


  • I got into eating peanut butter on celery. Measure out a couple tablespoons of peanut butter to keep track of portion control and unlimited celery for dipping. It is refreshing and the crunch is nice. AlsoI like to use organic or natural peanut butter or almond butter. They have little or no sugar added.
  • My beautiful brother passed away Wednesday February 15th at 7.30p.m 2 weeks after being diagnosed with cancer. We are in shock but without prayers, friends and family this would feel impossible. To all who continue to pray I thank you sincerely. We have seen God's work in action many times during the last 2 weeks so I have…
  • What keeps us going is hope. You have given me that so thank you so much. He was given 7 days to live 10 days ago and is in a very weakened state but still pushing ahead. We are not willing to give up. He only has 10 percent left in his liver so it is a challenge for his body to keep going.
  • Absolutely put him on any prayer chain you can. Although he is struggling we fully believe in the power of prayer and God's compassion and love for his children. Many. many thanks. Rhea