Agent X by Noah Boyd, great book you should read The Bricklayer first to really enjoy the story.
Pizza . . . Pizza . . . Pizza . . . . .Please :-}
There is a point at which comments can be negative, but suggesting one thing over another i would not consider negative. Everyone is different.
Like Button. Could not have said it better.
Perfect point! Helps me make better choices everyday. I'm a fast food'er also but WE have to find alternatives, its hard it know. Like someone else noted if you are see progress no worries, if not then maybe a change should be made. One last note - the truth can hurt but I personally don't like being lied to. Just cause…
Count me in, trying to drop 100+.
true :-)
Also starting today, perfect ideal I was getting depressed looking at my targeted weight goal. :-) Add me.