austinl45 Member


  • I just finished Week 4 and it was definitely the hardest for me so far. I actually ran week 4 for 2 weeks. Maybe slow down a bit on the 5 minute intervals. If I get side stitches it's usually my breathing - slow down and breathe deeply in and out for a bit.... don't quit trying. I had to stop one day - went back the next…
  • I'm not really there, but have been in the past. Set small goals... you'll find that if you take baby steps and are able to accomplish them you'll feel really good about yourself. What is the alternative - to live with the way it is? Hang in there!
  • My daughter also has this - but she's not on this forum... in the same boat as you - no one else has ever heard of it. I'll have to see if I can get her to log on so you two can talk about it.
  • I'm not sure what the name is - but the best cooking pumpkins are the really light orange colored ones - most of the time they are more flat shaped.
  • I believe that once you've lived this lifestyle a while - then counting calories won't be necessary because you'll know from experience where you sit calorie wise. Even today I eat a lot of the same things in the day so by dinner time, I have a really good idea where I am for the day. As far as junk food, it's the same…
  • I'm with you - today is my first day without the one a day I have allowed myself. I did it before and somehow went back to drinking them. I found that I slept like a baby when I gave them up the first time... I'm trying again.