

  • Wooo! and congrats! I ran my first last week, and it was pretty great. My only advice is to enjoy it. and slow down if you try to drink water, because most of mine went up my nose. LOL
  • Pretty much the same as a lot of girls have stated. I lost it in my face, my neck, and my boobs first (really, I mean, really?! c'mon!) and it took seemingly forever to drop a pants size. But once I did, I dropped 2 pants sizes quickly and I'm heading towards a third drop. I'll agree with others as well that it's harder at…
  • I'm 5'0 and started at 185 and I'm now down to 147ish. I'd like to get to at least 125 - which would make me barely 'healthy' according to BMI. I've been plateaued for a while (~9 months, arrrrgh) but am finally within the last month or so starting to see some downward trending again. I just joined MFP from LoseIt and I've…