

  • Day 4 completed, but the first circuit was really tough for me today, I felt great afterwards though. On the plus side, my new sports bra did me proud - it's always a worry when you spend so much on an (ugly) article of clothing that it won't do its job properly, but this one coped with the jumping jacks and everything!…
  • Day 3 - done! I also find the last circuit the best one - I think it may be the thought of nearly being finished.
  • Day 2 done! I wanted to stop in the first strength circuit, but once that was out of the way it went very quickly. I can't do the proper push ups either, I just do the best I can on that bit.
  • Cool thread! 1) starting weight - 75.6kg (will check body fat tomorrow and take measurements when I locate my tape measure!) 2) I completed the workout (after doing a C25K W2 workout - go me!) and I didn't cheat. Sweat was pouring off me, and there was a point where I was loosing my sense of humour (the bit where the…
  • Day 1 - done! Does anybody else get really annoyed during the 'static lunges with a bicep curl' bit when the advanced instructor cheats and stops doing the lunges for a bit? I wanted to shout at the screen but I was a tad out of breath! I'd like to say I'm looking forward to day 2 tomorrow, but it is such hard work - great…
  • Hello Everybody! I've been lurking around these boards for a few weeks, but this is my first post. I am starting the 30DS today and would love to join your gang. Thanks!