TooTatToTrot Member


  • Chicago, living in Columbus for school now. (Ohio not GA even though I used to live in ATL and still visit frequently!)
  • I just joined so me!
  • Hi! I just turned 20 years old two weeks ago, I am a junior in college and I am majoring in Education and Spanish so I understand business! I came here in 2011 and lost 73 pounds, got lazy and content but now Im back for more. School is over for us April 30th and I am hoping to get a job as a ride host at Cedar point so I…
  • I'm 19, turn 20 next month. Junior at ohio state, I joined in 2011, didn't really do anything until last December. Stopped and didn't do anything until June lol. I'm 79 pounds down, hoping for 45 more by may.
  • Hi, my name is Tatyanna. I'm 19, lost 80 pounds thus far and have 40 more to go. This is my first time doing insanity and hopefully my body wants to give hp20 pounds by my bday on 12/27. On 1/7 ill be heading back to school and I plan to do another round on 1/20 if I like it!
  • I know a little girl named Abcde (ab-sa-dee) and her family is the sweetest. She's in my toddler class, the name choice was bad but hey, she's cute, her parents are wonderful and they even hosted a cookout for the entire daycare, at their house. Now, my mom used to teach 4th grade and she had a girl named ashadavodka (a…
  • Maybe if you mixed some PB2 with some almond milk it'll give you that consistency. Or just mix it with the honey and see how it turns out?
  • *Dried fruit Sorry for any typos, I'm on my ipad!
  • Nike Flex Experience. Seriously, the best shoes I have ever worn in my life. I have played soccer, basketball, tennis, I ran track, and I have NEVER found a shoe that was as comfortable as these. I have a very flat foot, my arch fell during basketball in 5th grade and since then I usually have to wear 2 gel inserts just so…
  • If you do TDEE-20% is that net calories. Like do you take into account your exercise? Or is that all the calories for the day, exercise or not.
  • When I was vegetarian that was the type of bowl I got.....Now i get no rice, double chicken and double steak, guac, cheese, hot salsa, corn and sour cream if Im feeling adventurous. Love my meats.
  • I moved from Chicago to go to OSU. I'm not gonna is SLOWWW. This will be my full 2nd year here and I still dream of transferring weekly lol. I miss the fast paced night life and shopping on Michigan Ave, taking the train downtown and visiting UIC and DePaul....and PIZZA. I guess it's good because I won't eat the…
  • I had an FT4 but I have an FT60 now. I barely know the chest strap is there when I'm doing my workout. I'm too busy dying lol. The only reason i switched to the FT60 was for the training program. It's about 40-50 dollars more than the FT4 but I shopped around for the lowest price. I'm also selling my FT4 if you want it you…
  • bump
  • I think that your thyroid is pretty much regulated and you may be in remission. I first got diagnosed in October 2012 and am really bad about taking my meds so I am not in remission though my doctor thinks I should be. I just got a new dosage today (60mg per day because im stupid and havent taken meds and over a month) and…
  • Between 5-8 times a day. Only because my metabolism has skyrocketed thanks to my thyroid but I still get full pretty easily. I won't consider all of them meals though, mostly snacks, and I try to net 1600-1900 calories per day. It usually goes: snack, snack, snack, lunch (400-500 cals), snack, snack, dinner (550-700 cals),…
  • I gain. I usually weigh during that time, even though mine only lasts 3 days, then wait a week to weigh again. It's usually a 4-6 pound difference.
  • Sorry, I went low carb May 2011-December 2011. Didnt get diagnosed or have any thyroid issues until November 2012. Working my *kitten* off in the gym, diet and living on campus contributed to my weight loss. Probably should've added those facts in my first post.
  • I was low carb for about 7 months. It wasn't to lose weight, it was just to test it out to see what the hype was about. I went vegetarian 2 years before that for a year. Again, I just wanted to test it out. I talked to my nutritionist, he said it was fine. The body adapts to whatever you put it through, just eat enough…
  • I go to Ohio State (yeah it's expensive so we have money to blow for more meal options) but in the worst dining hall we have there's a salad bar on one side, and a place to get grilled chicken on the other. I just tell them to throw it on the grill with no butter or and a little olive oil. They listen. Just tell them what…
  • I loved your post. I started at 1200 recommended by my Doctor but at the same time he said it, he also told me to find what works for me. I've been on a long hiatus from the site but eat around 1400-2000 depending on what I did that day. My metabolism is pretty high, but somedays I'm just not hungry. And I must say, I…
  • Just get back to it. There's nothing else you can really do. Have some protein for breakfast, some carrots, peppers and more veggies and fruit for snacks, and maybe some grilled chicken breasts and salad for dinner tomorrow. Drink plenty of water. When I do, it heightens my sense of taste, and I can taste the gross crap…
  • I'm an after school coordinator for middle school. We have a set of twins. The girl's name is Ashadavadka (A shot of vodka) and the boy's name is Courvoisier (yes, the cognac, if you don't know its pronounced like Ca-va-see-Aye). Smh, they're so nice and they are adorable but damn, their mother is...a piece of work
  • Second year at Ohio State but came in with lots of college credit so technically i'm a junior. I 'm a productions and operations management (aka business) and Spanish major with a minor in fashion. Last year I had like zero hours of free time after class and work, so this semester I decided to add in dance and boxing to my…
  • I'm a college student; Business, Political Science and Spanish are my majors and I plan on going to law school. And I really enjoy my pell grants. So yep, i'm voting
  • I think the mods delete/lock it because people get rude as hell for no apparent reason. Having a logical conversation is one thing, but when people can't get their point across without being rude, then that's when they get deleted.
  • Yeah, it sucks. Just send your kid with a packed lunch.
  • I'm 18. Lost 30 pounds already and looking to lose about 40 more. Feel free to add me :)