biodorkus Member


  • I feel ya; I've never been a morning person, but I finally realized a while back that I would never exercise regularly if I kept trying to do it in the evening since my work schedule is inconsistent and I'm usually hungry after work. My tricks: - Sleep in your workout clothes (I exercise at home). In the winter especially,…
  • Air-popped popcorn (no oil) and pomegranate arils are both fun and crunchy low-cal options!
  • I think it might depend on the surface under the board (carpet vs hardwood or tile)... mine seems to read 5-10 lbs lower than the scale at the doctor's office. If it's on really plush carpet or you don't have the extra foot risers it'll probably be less accurate than on a harder surface.
  • lol same here... they taste amazing, but I had to stop eating them because about an hour later I had to isolate myself! For anyone with IBS, stay away from Fiber One products... they're high in fiber, but it's almost all insoluble fiber, which is what causes the gas and bloating! Soluble fiber is usually much better…
  • These two sites do a much better job of explaining what happens during "starvation mode" (no "fececysts" or "guanoglands"):
  • I don't know about anyone else's Google, but according to mine neither of those terms exist. And while I'm not an MD, I was a Bio major in college and took several classes in Anatomy and Physiology and never once heard of either a fececyst or guanogland. It's possible you're just confusing terms and have the basic info…
  • I've only tried overnight oats this way once (just adding everything and letting it sit overnight), but I find I like the texture much better when they're cooked ahead of time. Basically this is what you do: - cook the oatmeal in 3 volumes of milk or water (i.e. 1/4 c oats + 3/4 cup liquid) for about 3 min. in the…
  • I highly recommend you check out Chocolate-Covered Katie's "healthy dessert" blog... she's vegan, so her recipes are all made without butter and she gives many options for sweeteners in each recipe (sugar, xylitol, stevia, agave, maple syrup, etc) so you can modify to your dietary needs. She's also a fan of using things…