

  • Did you watch that doc?? Its great! Im tryyyyying to lead a healthier lifestyle, on all food... but sometimes, I just need that pizza! LoL But Im feeling more better than not & wanting great food more, you can tell when you eat better (:
  • They do & will. They are not good for you. Its one of those, "Got you in the end" typa thing. Anyone drinking that much soda.... with that crap in it, or tea for that matter, It will never end up good for them.
  • Im glad to hear you say this. I hate soda. It makes me ill. Not as in physically, like I drink it & it makes me sick, I mean as in People drink it all the time and it makes me sick. I hate it. Its useless, nothing but bad for you calories. My sons dad HAS always been a _SODA_ holic. Ive nvr got it. His health is terrible,…