

  • I just finished my second time through workout #1 in stage 7 - that is one hard workout. I was hoping to get up to 20 reps on each exercise (the first time through I just did 15), I was only able to do that on the lunges, push ups and some of the rows. My grip wouldn't let me do 20 reps of the deadlift. Are you guys doing…
  • I did workout #4 on the weekend, I *think* I am going to do this stage twice. It is difficult, it's kicking my butt every workout, but I am enjoying it. I haven't had DOMS after every workout consistently in any of the stages, so I have to think it's doing something good! I have supercharged at home and just started…
  • 2nd workout done today. I don't really care for the dumbell squats with heels elevated - I would prefer to just do regular barbell squats, but i will stick to the program. I have come too far to veer away from it now.
  • I am following the program and doing the reps listed. The first workout was harrrdd. i haven't sweat like that from just weights in a loong time! I am so sore today. If this is what it takes to burn off some fat and have those muscles shine through, I will take it! I think I will do supercharged next. I went to the…
  • I am starting stage 7 tomorrow. I am so excited to start the last stage. I just finished stage 6 yesterday but was thinking about jumping right into stage 7 due to all the gluttony that the holidays brought.
  • I did stage 6 A1 last wednesday and today (the following Monday) attempted A2 and my lats are still sore!!! I teach bootcamp in addition to my own personal weight workouts so I don't think my body had time to recover between workouts, but I could barely last 10 sec on the negative chin ups.
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