

  • i did the whistler one - it was HARD but fun my advice... wear compression socks and items - even though it was a hot day we were cold after the water obstacles ( arctic enema was CRAZY) train OUTSIDE- we did ravine training that was very helpful given it was up a mountain core work- short runs ( @ 2 mles) and work up to a…
  • try not over doing it- you sounds pretty busy already! but set up a routine- they say that it takes 3 weeks to establish a routine- now i dont even think about it- i just GO!!!! find a class - or workout that you really ENJOY that will help- also i found that it helped to do classes- I met some great people that i now…
  • WOW that is not great hey! i have a client who works at wal mart and they take ANY negative customer feedback VERY seriously hopefully she wont be there the next time you go! i had the opposite experience buying clothes fro a work conference recently- i took the size i "thought" i was and the salesman ( who was FAB!!!)…
  • my fitness instructor says- that you NEVER feel worse after you go- i TRY to adehere to that!! i also set a routine ( i go right after I drop kids at school) and before i go to work- so that way i only need one shower!! no way could i not wash my face after work out- i applaud those who can keep make up on- even without…
  • SW: 166 CW: 137 - 135 (i fluctuate) GW for end of september: 130 UGW:129 Weigh in Dates: 9/1- 9/8 9/15 9/22 9/31
  • you look FANTASTIC!!! wow- i never woudl have guessed you were 180- i would have said 150 =) see you have lost more weight than you thought!
  • YES!! but YOU have to comitt to it to- as pp said- write down everything that you eat- people come up to me all the time as aksi me what i did- simple i say- ate less moved more- they dont seem happy with that answer becasue they want an easy fix- it took me 9 months to loose 35 pounds - but it was worth it!! good luck!
  • i am really loosing motivation- i tired upping for a week and a half- weight came up- tried zig zagging and that did not seem to help much either i know i have been eating a few too many sugars (that is usually the only one i go over with) so i tried cutting that down too- i feel like i am not getting anywhere! and it is…
  • so upping and lowering calories?
  • SO hard to do that now!! but maybe that is what i need? thanks for the reply
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