

  • I hear you there, I am a uni student so I often have a lot of downtime, enough to go to the gym an hour 4 times a week, swimming twice a week, zumba once and I walk everywhere. When I first started feeling sick and putting on weight my parents just said it was too much drinking (I don't often drink) and that I was making…
  • I hope surgery goes well for you and I am sorry you have been having a rough deal with the illness. If you ever need someone to talk to my mail is always open. I was on Metoclopramide and then they moved me onto Domperidone, and I felt worse than ever, so I stopped taking them, silly I know but if you can't keep the pill…
  • I stated level 1 yesterday, went for an hour long walk in the afternoon. Woke up this morning went to sit up and literally fell back down. The backs of my arms and the area around the belly button is so sore. I have hobbled around the house all day. Did some stretching and thought I would give day 2 a try, got 15 mins in…
  • I am sorry your mum has been diagnosed with this, do you know what kind of medication they have put her on? I found that a lot of the anti-acid or anti sickness pills only aggravated my stomach further. I would suggest your mum makes a food diary and eats small amounts of different food groups to determine what is safe for…
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