fruitpie09 Member


  • 2 weeks in and nothing has changed on the scales! Positives - feeling good for going to the gym I have what may just be a bigger bicep I can do squats SO much better I think some clothes feeling different and better Negatives - People who know I am going to the gym keep asking 'have you lost any weight' - it makes me want…
  • Amazing! You look like a different person! I am tempted to print your pics and put them on my fridge as inspiration- although that sounds a little strange :-{ Anyway, you should be very proud! X
  • It's not fair men loose weight so quickly although my boyfriend has worked out a lot previously so guess his body is used to it. Thank you for reassuring me. Hard to switch my mind from dieting to loose weight and it dropping off to working out and calorie watching and it not dropping the same. Hopefully by the end of June…