aghaller Member


  • I use my real scale but my Wii scale has a margin of error, depending on the weight of our clothing. I always wear the same workout clothes and workout the same time of morning when I can. So, taking into account the weight of my clothes, the wii is pretty good.
  • My research showed that you burn 20 calories a minute ~ 400 calories in a 20 minute workout. On my way to work last night a kettlebell specialist talked about the importance of learning to use them properly to keep your hips and back safe. I don't remember her name but she wrote a book called "Kettlebells for Dummies" You…
  • There is a really good site to visit, it is called ASK A DIETICIAN (don't know if I spelled that right) and she says NEVER eat less then 1200 calories a day otherwise your body will know it is not getting enough food and will start to hang on to the fat cells and the calories. She says to eat a meal, then a snack, then…
  • I'm from Kamloops.