

  • Awesome! Thanks for the response. :) I will definitely go play around with a few.
  • Feel free to add me! My goals are eating clean, losing weight and building muscle. I'm on every day :)
  • I'm 24 and am on here every day. :) Feel free to add!
  • I was wondering the same thing when I first started Insanity so I did some research and found this blog post: http://shauntfitness.com/insanity-shoes/ I personally use New Balance Minimus and I absolutely love them. Definitely don't want to be using running shoes for this workout.
  • Agreed. Don't punish yourself for making a mistake, start fresh the next day and remember your body is your temple. Treat it right <3
  • Hey Everyone! I'm Aja. I'm currently in week 3 of Insanity and I'm loving it. I've tried to complete Insanity once before, and stopped just after recovery week (lame, I know!) I'm determined this time around to make it the whole way and then some. This s**t is bananas! Feel free to add me if anyone wants support or someone…