

  • First time mom here of a 11 month old. I work full time and sometimes up to 60 hrs. Hubby owns his biz and literally works 24/7 - Everday from spring to winter since it's a seasonal job. He spends time with her in the morning before the sitter and I have my time with her at night. It's been a challenge getting workouts in…
  • Chicago - west/south loop
  • Hi all! The mobile and IPAD versions doesn't notify me when there are new posts. I think I've added everyone here. Can you tell me what programs you have been successful with and any tips? I'm doing TurboFire and supplementing with ChaLean Extreme on the shorter days.
  • Try defatted peanut butter with half the calories. If you have a TRader Joes by you, look for Better n' Peanut Butter. http://www.betternpeanutbutter.com/