gregorshrn Member


  • W1D4-YOGA, Not a fan of 90 minutes of any workout, esp yoga. Got to 20 minutes left in the video and had to stop (baby crying). Have a little bit of a cold/sinus infection and was only able to run 2 miles yesterday. Should run today, but with not feeling so well and working tonight I am going to skip today and hopefully…
  • I cannot wait to be able to finish the dvd without a break. Don't need to keep up with them...yet, just complete them without the pause button!!!
  • It is fit in any time of the day that I have time. I am a nurse and work 7p-7a and have 5 kids, sooo whenever as long as it gets done (even if that is 2 am)!!!
  • W1D3-completed! Finished. Shoulders and arms and ab ripper x. Finished shoulders and arm pretty good, ab ripper x needs a couple more weeks to hopefully finish completely. Still staying strong, well sorta! Def. not giving up:happy: Now off to run 4 miles!
  • Wk1D2: Cardio x complete! Not so bad today but def. not graceful but made it through. Feeling sore but great! My rest day of running. Work tonight, so goal to do workout (shoulders & arms, and ab ripper x) first thing in the am when I get home followed by running. Keep it up everyone!!!
  • Day 1- core synergistics....complete!!! Only has got to get easier...right? minimal reps but could feel the intensity. Did not do the bonus round because I was past done!!!! also ran my longest today at 6.25 miles (61 minutes) . All in all a good workout day! Keep it up everyone. one day at a time!!! Here's to day 2 :wink:
  • My name is Chrissy, 33 year old mother of 5 (12, 10, 5, 3, and now 6 month old)! I live in Cincinnati, OH. My main goal when I started MFP in september 2011 was to lose baby weight and become stronger and more energetic to keep up with these kiddos:) I started running and now am ready to start strength training with my…