

  • THANKS EVERYONE!!!! :smile: Your comments are great. I really should have taken my measurments before I started MFP but it didn't cross my mind until now. I was just concerned about the LBS. I'm going to buy some fabric tape today. I'm in week 3 of P90x so I guess it would make sense that I am toning and building muscle.…
  • I read it as well and you had every right to state your opinion because you CLEARLY were concerned and there was NO spite or ill will behind it. No big deal, just ignore it girlie!!!!
  • I didn't read the link but just the sound of it sounds wacky. You'll lose water weight but not fat and after those 3 days it will all come back...even more! Sticking with a balanced diet is best :wink:
  • I'm pretty new and for ME, eating my exercise calories does not aid in my quest to lose weight and it never has. For ME it's not so much what I eat but HOW MUCH of it I eat. If I want ice cream, I eat ice cream...but, I'll eat a 2-3 spoons (not scoops) instead of a bowl full and that satisfies my ice cream "craving". The…