

  • I need to lose more than 30, but I think this is a good start. I really need more support and people to help with motivation if there are any takers.
  • My friend is taking it and he has lost 21 lbs in about a month. I really would like to try it but I am afraid it would make me all shaky or anxious.
  • Yesterday-220.4 Today-218.6 I am starting the 7 Day Fast Loss by GNC today, so hopefully those numbers drop down at least a few lbs. I am really hoping for an 8 lb weight loss. That would be amazing.
  • Yesterdays weight-217.4 Todays weight-218.2
  • Yesterday-219 Today-217.6 I am so excited to finally get below 218 again. 7.6 lbs till my first goal. This has sparked a fire under my a**.
  • Yesterday-219.4 Today-218.4 The scale has not really been budging. But I have lost 2.5 inches, and I think I look a lot better. I am not sure what I am doing wrong, I have been doing really well with my calories and have not been overeating. I am trying to be as active as I can, but have not worked out in a few days. I am…
  • Yesterday-219 Today-219 Day before yesterday-218 No matter how good I eat or how much I work out the scale will not budge. It is really getting to me, even though I know it shouldn't. Going to measure today, and hopefully that goes well.
  • Yesterday: 222 Today: 221.6 I keep fluctuating from 218-223, that seems to be a rather large fluctuation range and it is aggravating.
  • Yesterday I was 222.8 and today I am 218.2! Really happy to be back down under 220. Here is to getting to my first small goal of 210!
  • Yesterdays weight- 222.4 Today's weight- 218.8 Woohoo. After having a terrible weekend of eating badly and gaining 4 lbs, i got it off in 2 days! Now I need to get to 215 ASAP!
  • Today my weight is at 122, gained a few lbs over the weekend, but I am sure they will be back off in a couple of days.
  • Sorry I have not been posting everyday, but I have been weight everday. Yesterday I was 219.8 and today I am 218.4. I cannot wait to get to 210. That will be a small milestone for me, and then 199 will be the next goal. I refer under 200 as wonderland, haha.
  • Weighing in everyday for me is a must! I REALLY need the extra support, as it is starting to get hard having none, and I love to support others as well! Today I weighed in at 218.8
  • I am in! My current weight is 219.2(as of today) and my goal in February is to lose 9.2 lbs. Seems a bit high, but if I really work hard I think I might manage it, and if not that is okay, as long as I am making progress. My measurements are Hips-47 Waist-36 Chest-43.25 Arms-17 Thighs-28 My diet plan includes staying under…
  • I want in please!
  • It is a DVD workout video by Jillian Micheals. You can get it at walmart for about 10 bucks I believe.
  • Do you feel constipated? If not, I would not worry about it. Like others have mentioned, when you eat bad foods, you go more often and there is...well more. Also when you eat less, less will come out!