danikaaayy Member


  • Yeah I had my IUD taken out.... November I think? Because I was just unhappy with it, and I had about a 1 inch cyst that was bleeding into my abdomen, it was really just messing everything up. So then on recommendation of a co-worker I started a new pill and it's really been amazing, my anxiety is nearly gone and my cyst…
    in update Comment by danikaaayy May 2013
  • You totally got this :D XOXO
  • I am working on body fat as usual and really just my ultimate goal is a flat tum. I don't need a six pack, I just need this tum gone. This month is strength train 3 times a week, c25k 4 times, at least. I hope during this month I can also slowly introduce calisthenics like ab work and stuff. 17% is amazeballs!
  • Yep, I pretty much ignore my own existence if my hormones are involved with anything. Measurements go up, cysts protrude. Amazeballs.