thetaven Member


  • I started MFP when I started taking care of my Diabetes. So I gave up a whole plethora of things I loved. Mountain Dew Code Red Swiss Cake Rolls Pecan Spinwheels M&M Ice Cream Sandwiches Yoo-Hoo Starbucks frappuchinos But, it just so happens that the things I liked were the things packing on the pounds.
  • This is absolutely my unhealthy vice, but I LOVE snacking on Oreo cookies with ranch dressing on them. Or, just putting some ketchup on a slice of american cheese. Mmmm
  • Hello everyone! In November of 2007, I was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic. I was fourteen years old. It was a unique case because I was the only thin member of my family, I was extremely active (and still am) by playing on 3 simultaneous tournament softball teams, a member of the marching band, a dancer, and basketball…
    in Welcome Comment by thetaven May 2012
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