

  • That's a great question. I'd like some ideas too. My wife and I struggle with the same thing with our two year old. Our eight year old will eat 99% of what we do, but the little guy is a different animal!
  • My wife and I are going out for Thai tonight too. I was thinking of asking the same question. I guess this will be my "free" meal for the week and I'll make sure I don't stuff myself.
    in Thai Food Comment by dmarsek August 2011
  • I love Yuengling but it is not sold in MIssouri. My brother recently went to Florida and brought me some back with him, but that didn't last very long!
  • I like just about anything. I'm not a huge fan of IPA's, but I can handle one every now and then.
  • That definitely helps. I appreciate the insight. So as long as I am eating sugars that occur naturally in fruits in vegetables as my core and not overdoing it with complex and processed sugars I should be okay.
  • I've had the same problem, but I've concentrated on lean proteins like egg whites, grilled chicken, turkey breast, etc. I'm certainly not an expert, but I would think as long as you keep the fat down it's okay to have higher proteins. I'm not aware of the potential kidney issues as the last reply suggests, but that's good…