

  • he kinda sounds like dwight from "the office..." diagnosing himself and others is classic!
  • congrats- i know how it feels because i had one today, too! not only did i realize that i can totally pull my pants off (hey now) without unbuttoning them, but I also just walked out of our lunchroom that was stocked with leftover gourmet sandwiches and cookies from an investor meeting-- without grabbing anything but my…
  • Sabotage!! Eat half or a quarter of one (if they're REALLY big and evil) and follow it up with a piece of fruit or small bottle of sparkly water. you'll get that little taste of heaven and fill up on a little more sweet healthy stuff so you're not tempted to go back for more!
  • A vegetarian diet is so easy these days- most restaurants have delicious options, the grocery store is full of alternatives and there is much more of a general consciousness about it. That being said, it is very important to do your research so that you make sure you're getting enough of the vitamins and protein your body…