nabernal Member


  • What have I let go of? Late night snacking and eating past 6pm. Also fast food, chocolate (which is my weakness), sugars and anything fried. Bread, rice, pizza, and pasta are things I refuse to eat right now. So far its been 2 weeks of clean eating, and I'm already down 11 pounds. I am thinking I was having at least 3,000…
  • Good luck with your journey, this app definitely helps you keep track of things and also put it all in perspective. After all, we want to be healthy right? Keep motivated and check out the forums, they are really helpful, its nice to hear people going through the same issues
  • wow! so inspiring.. you lost 150 pounds... i only need thirty! way to go .. you should be so proud of yourself!
  • I have the iphone app also and it really does keep you on your toes about what you are eating! its great ! :smile: