earthnut Member


  • You are wrong. You are wrong. Here's the blog of an actual obesity researcher on the topic.…
  • I do that a lot. I don't have much control over my dinner. Could be lots of veggies or it could be fast food. So i skimp on breakfast and lunch, so that I'll have plenty of calories for dinner. Dinner is frequently half my calories so i don't go under my goal, and i don't go to bed hungry.
  • Late. I generally don't have much control over my dinner, so i allot it as much calories as i can so i don't go to bed hungry.
  • You haven't read the internet BS about the "acidity" of foods. Like how vinegar is alkaline inside the body. Sure everything has a pH, but you don't need to eat or avoid special foods or combinations of foods to be healthy, like the internet diets claim.
  • Oh yeah blue cheese. Funny thing is, i went through a few years in my teens when i LOVED cucumbers and blue cheese. Now i can't stand them. (But now i love tomatoes and mushrooms and kale, which i couldn't stand as a teen)
  • Club salad with vinaigrette, roast chicken, homemade (low sugar) apple pie with unsweetened whipped cream.
  • DH loves it, i can't stand the smell of it. But i don't deny is good for you.
  • BS. Bananas are totally healthy. The only reason i don't eat more of them is because they're calorie dense compared to other fruit, so I'm not as satiated. There is no science behind balancing the "acidity" of food.
  • Low-fat yogurt, mixed berries, dark chocolate chips. 227 calories.
  • Eggs in the morning fill me up, but by themselves don't give me enough carbs for energy. Anyway, i don't like being tied to the stove, even for only 3 minutes. I want to throw my breakfast together without handling fire (or sharp knives) in a half awake state, and then curl up in my chair to enjoy it. :) Put 1/2c frozen…
  • Eggs are very satiating for the amount. But i just can't eat eggs alone for breakfast every day. Not enough carbs i think. But I'm trying to lower my carbs for breakfast. These are my favorites: Yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit Egg on toast (fried, poached in microwave, or hard boiled & sliced)
  • Frozen wild blueberries with cream - its like deconstructed ice cream! Sliced fruit with a little honey or raw sugar Bittersweet chocolate - but not after 4pm Fruit salad - nothing else added
  • These are the articles I've been using for guidance. The 1g/lb "rule" is an overkill amount of protein from what I've read, probably used by bodybuilders that are scared to eat too little protein.…
  • Read body recomposition threads, and turn off the blog feed on your home page. This site is a tool, and you can use it however you need to.
  • current weight? goal weight? height? activity level? can't help you without more information here...
  • I have to eat 1200 to lose. For satiation, eating more fiber and protein help. Veggies, fruits, lean meats, beans. Fat is not satiating per calorie. (It's satiating per volume, but then you're eating tons of calories!) You may want to look into the Volumetrics diet. It's basically how to eat the maximum amount of volume of…
  • The best way I've found to portion out a tempting food without eating it all; 1. Put peppermint chewing gum in your mouth. This will help prevent you from eating as you're portioning. 2. Portion out ALL the food at once. Get lots of little containers. 3. Divide the food into the little containers. 4. Put them all away in a…
  • I'd love to see that study.
  • I should hope so. I would've died long ago if it wasn't. :p
  • Veggies - non starchy ones are very low carb, even starchy ones are low carb, but potatoes don't count Eggs Cottage cheese Cheese Nuts Meat Seafood
  • Yes, but it's all natural. While it's usually a good idea to cut down on added sugars, there rarely any reason to cut out sugars naturally occurring in whole foods. When I'm craving a cookie, an egg won't cut it. But a fresh fruit will. And it's high in nutrients.
    in Sugar Comment by earthnut January 2017
  • Any kind of green salad is good for me, even from McD's. A protein bar never fills me up.
  • I try to keep only whole grain products. Whole wheat flour, masa meal, brown rice, rolled oats, popcorn, whole wheat pasta, whole grain crackers. I've used coconut flour and almond flour for the Paleo aunt when she visits, but not really for us. Almond flour is high in omega 6 anyway. Occasionally we have exotic grains…
  • Fresh fruit
    in Sugar Comment by earthnut January 2017
  • Americans get plenty of fat, way more than they need. Processed foods and restaurant food are filled with fat, but you won't catch that being advertised. We've replaced vitamin rich dairy fat with omega 6 rich seed oils. (And then slathered more seed oil on top)…
  • I used to get bad cramps. Turns out i was magnesium deficient. Taking a calcium-magnesium pill regularly, or eating lots of pumpkin seeds, relieved the cramps. Worked for cramps during pregnancy too. You lose magnesium in your blood and magnesium is necessary for proper muscle function. For cravings, i seek out the…
  • I will eat anything once. I'd like to try some of the foreign insect specialties of i ever travel to those places. I tried and hated: - Limburger cheese. Fortunately it wasn't wasted because my dad has a stomach of iron and finished it. :s - Plain canned asparagus (worst canned vegetable ever, but i do like picked…
  • Because of pokemon go, I found out about ingress, and am getting into geocaching too. I wish I had known about ingress when it came out. Daughter is bouncing out the door to go find boxes, and pokemon on the way. :) I'm learning about pokemon, never played with the cards.
    in Pokemon Go Comment by earthnut July 2016
  • I lost 3.4 pounds since my last post, 1.4 pounds below my starting weight. :/ Nearing the 2nd trimester so i will go out of maintenance and start gaining soon!