

  • Utter nonsense that if you stop swimming you will gain the weight back. However, if you stop exercising, and continue to eat the same amount of calories as when you were exercising, you will gain the weight back. The rate that you gain it back will be dependent on how m any calories you burn while exercising.
  • I started the C25K and on day 1 of week 2 my knee was bothering me during the run segments. Dumb me, I kept pushing to get through the session and by the end of the session I HAD to stop running. Tendonitis - 1 cortisone shot, 2 weeks on crutches, 3 weeks unable to work out! I just got back to working out, no running or…
  • I worked out all 5 mornings this week. I swam for the first time in over 2 years & I did a 60 min. spin class.
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