kristikin Member


  • I'm a mom of 2 - 4 year old boy and 19 month old girl. I've lost about 40 lbs this past year and have 10-15 to go (depends on the day and water weight) to get to my ultimate goal weight. I've plateaued recently and am getting very frustrated about that. Most weeks, I exercise 4-6 times doing a mix of yoga, cardio, and…
  • Plain greek yogurt is a nice addition to mix it up. I add stevia and/or fresh berries. I get the 2% Fage. It tastes way better than the 0% and worth the small calorie difference. 1 container has 20 grams of protein and 8 grams of sugar.
  • Congratulations! You look great! I had a moment like that a couple of weeks ago with a dress I haven't worn since before son (he just turned 4). Don't you love these moments?