ktaisey Member


  • I would always rather go back to bed! BUT I do find that while I might be tired for the first 5 minutes of my morning workout - after that - the fact that I am happy I am working out outweighs the desire to be in bed. The mornings I let myself hit snooze a ton of times are the days I am so tired at the 1/2 way point of the…
    in Wake up! Comment by ktaisey April 2014
  • I was a notorious snoozer myself.... I wanted to get all my workouts done in the AM so I did not have time to make excuses for why I couldn't work out at night. It was hard the first oh 2 weeks but by the 3rd it was easier. I also started using the "silent alarm" on my FitBit Flex and it seemed to wake me up more easily -…