smitaosunsade Member


  • hi I'm sorry you are going through all this it is easy to tell you what to do but I don't have the expertise, since you are desk jobbed (like me) I found someone at work and do the "cigarette break" walk - just around the floor! every time someone goes for a cigarette break they inform me and I get up and walk the floor w…
  • My husband lost weight especially in the mid-section area but it didn't help his sleep apnea - he would keep me awake cos for some reason I wouldn't hear the snoring and jerk awake and would have to wake him up - he now uses a cpap machine (its not the Hannibal lecter looking one) and he sleeps better than me now! go do a…
  • I started over AGAIN! five days ago please feel to add me as I need all the motivation I can get as well! im 227lbs as of last Thursday and just want to break that 200lb barrier first. any advice you can share id appreciate!
  • thank you for putting up your before and after shots - they are so encouraging to me (who has no will power to stick to my weight loss plan, to speak off)!! inspirations! awesome work!
  • hey Sarah meal replacements are all fair and good BUT that cant be all you are consuming, you need some freah food to get the nutrients your body needs and thats not from supplements either. you can replace two meals a day , but do try and eat a nicely balanced low cal, low carb one meal atleast. just my 2 cents
  • did your doc offer the HCG plan with that 500Kcal a day?:huh: