tiphany37 Member


  • Okay ZUMBA ladies. Is it bad that for some reason I am really intimidated to even try out the Zumba classes at my gym? We have regular and aqua. For some reason, even though I could go to the class I just can't make myself walk through those doors.
  • 1-2 lbs per week is considered healthy. However, when you go from having no idea what you are eating to watching it like a hawk... you might lose more then that. It won't last though. Enjoy the college gym! I miss mine! It was way better then the one I use now. When I first joined my gym I met with a personal trainer. He…
  • Try greek yogurt, it has more protien then regular. I buy the plain tubs of 0% fat. Usually eat some fruit or granola or a little cereal along with it.