I've had to really cut back on my wine. In fact, counting calories made me aware of the amount I was having. Some while preparing dinner, some with dinner, some after dinner. They weren't full-size glasses, just a splash here, a splash there, but now I'm now limiting it to two 5 oz glasses max. Sigh.... better for me, but…
You are such an inspiration. You are amazing.
I would like to participate in this group. I feel lost here, and though I have the support of my daughter who is trying to lose like 10 pounds, LoL, I'm here alone and feel kind of lost. What do we need to do to make a group? I don't use the forum much and feel kind of ignorant. I am turning 50 in July. Through a course of…
Keep up the good work. You look fabulous.
Thighs..... it's all about the thigh muscles. My boyfriend has the bestest thighs. I also love hands, strong hands.