

  • I'm glad you asked this. While I don't have the answer for you, I have the same question. I hope someone knows the answer, because I'm on week 3 of maintaining and I've been curious about this as well. Good luck to you on your last 10 lbs!! :smile: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Good for you! That is awesome!!! I, too, hit my goal weight recently (about a month ago) and it feels great!!!! I'm surprisingly having a tough time with the new calorie amount, however. In order to maintain and no longer lose, my settings are bumped from 1310/day to 1710/day (this is before exercise cals)!!! So It's tough…
  • Most of the ones I frequent, aside from small locally owned ones, have it on their actual websites. Honestly, I've been skipping the restaraunts that don't have this info on their websites. They've lost my business!
  • Dave, you are a genius and so right. Although, I've got the same problem today. After my workout I'll have around 500 cals that will go unused. I have been craving custard at Sheridan's for over a month now and I am thinking a mini custard date night with the hubby is just what the doctor ordered!
  • My fitness nut moments are: - gift lists full of nothing but fitness-related items - watching for sales on fitness outfits, rather than cute shoes and "going out" clothes - getting overly excited about new, healthy recipes instead of the new icecream shop going on down the street!!!!
  • Pizza Hut I'm hungry! :blushing: Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Just sharing this hurtle I've gotten over....since starting MFP I've seen great results, and of course they've rubbed off on my husband as well. He wasn't completely on board until this morning, after he returned from his yearly physical (for which I forced him to attend). He's down 17 lbs., his BP is within normal/low…
  • Kerri is right. Despite how "exciting" it may be, you're weighing in too often. :noway: Weight fluctuates so much and when you do weigh you should only do it at the same time per day using the same scale. Morning is the best time, before eating or drinking as those both effect the weight. For me, I avoid the scale one week…
  • I just went to a family reunion this weekend and my aunt made an awesome Salmon Salad Avacado side dish for lunch. I'm not sure what she used in the salmon salad to prepare it, maybe some light mayo, seasonings and onions? Anyway, whatever it was she spooned it into half an avacado. Served cold, of course. Everyone thought…
  • I use all varieties of fruits in my smoothies just to mix things up a bit: banana strawberries blueberries or raspberries canteloupe (sounds gross, but it's awesome) apple pieces mango peach *add 1 oz (1 scoop) natural vanilla whey protein powder, 1 C skim milk, 5 ice cubes, and dash of honey 30-45 min. post workout for a…
  • Tell me about it! I NEVER read food labels back then and serving sizes? What were serving sizes??? My problems were late-night large bowls of "healthy" cereal and portion control - basically it didn't exist! I'd ALWAYS have 2nds for dinner and then would go to Sonic for an icecream Blast with the hubby afterward! Let's not…
  • ...Ability to read people's minds (I'm curious and nosey) ...Definitely lose my keys! Don't mess with me and my cake!!!! I :heart: cake! :happy: Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Healthy "on the go" filling breakfast: With a blender, blend up: - 1 TBL natural or reduced fat peanut butter - Fruit (whatever your preference) - 1 Cup Skim Milk or 1/2 c non-fat plain yogurt - ice cubes (about 4-5) * I also add 1 scoop (1oz) of whey protein isolate powder, but only because I weight train so much. hope…
  • Yep, my chest was the first to go! I went from a high C cup to a medium A cup. Then, my waist shrunk. I'm small-wasted naturally (very hour glass shaped), so that wasn't thrilling to me either. Finally, the hips and thighs started shedding inches. I was PLEASED! Oh, and I had my wedding ring decreased in size. Funny how…
  • I "eat back" everything across the board. I just make sure I'm not over on anything, which is difficult sometimes and there's always something that goes over. Typically I'm a little over on sodium, protein, or fiber but it doesn't bother me. I feel healthy and have reached my goal so I figure I'm on the right track. Know…
  • This looks AWESOME! I wrote it down!
  • PB and honey on toast! I actually tried that for the first time last night! SO good!
  • Ok, but any ideas for eating the honey? Also, I don't have children. Thanks! :flowerforyou: Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Have you tried having a protein shake within 30 minutes of your workout? They're very good for your muscles and are a healthy, high cal drink. I started this 2 weeks ago and love it: Whey Protein Natural Vanilla Isolate Powder - 1oz. (1 scoop) - 100 cals 1 Banana - 110 cals 1 TBL Natural PB (optional) - 70ish cals 8oz.…
  • I want to start incorporating honey in my eating, as I've heard some benefits. Does anyone know anything about this? Any recipes? Any negative things about honey? Is it good to have a little honey, like 1 TBL, per day? Just curious. Thanks in advance!:happy: Created by - Free Food Diary
  • I have a Polar HRM (can be purchased from just about anyplace selling electronics and/or sporting goods equip) and I'm very surprised that you say you "know you burn 300 cals." How do you know this? I don't burn nearly that many just from strength training alone. Without a HRM you will never get an accurate assessment of…
  • I just started trying a new one this week and I love it: 17 Special K Tomato & Basil crackers - 90 cals, dipped in 1/2 C. fat free cottage cheese - 80 cals. A high protein snack that keeps me feeling full and satisfied! Created by - Calorie Counter
  • I just switched from regular Coffeemate to Sugar Free. I used it yesterday morning and was fine. This morning, however, I put it in two cups of my coffee (1 Tbl) and my stomach now feels queezy. Has anyone else had side effects from sugar free items?? The only other thing I had this morning before the coffee was half a…
  • I've often pondered this as well. I don't log mine. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I hit my goal last Friday! Woohoo! So, I'm on the road to maintaining. Because I refuse to decrease my workout routine lower than 5-6 days/week, my nutritionist said to just add more to my meals, but don't actually add more snacking. For instance, when I was trying to lose my breakfasts consisted of: -regular oatmeal -2/3…
  • Some good oatmeal additives: -blueberries or apple slices -walnuts or almonds -1/2 tsp brown sugar I also make mine with 1/2 water, 1/2 skim milk instead of all water. Yum! I :heart: oatmeal too!! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Somebody asked for tips...this may sound silly, but myself and two of my coworkers keep a "fat drawer" at our desk. They're pics of us pre-weight loss. We look at them often - even post them on our computer screens for added motivation! They're amusing to look back on! :laugh: Created by - Free Food Diary
  • You are all so very supportive and I appreciate the praise! A huge thank you! Someone asked how I lost those last measely 2 lbs? took 2 months to get those darn things off, however, I also upped my strength training (weight lifting) at the same time, so the muscle was a contributing factor. Basically, I just…