Hi - I am a 37 year old SAHM of a 2 yo boy and 1 yo girl. We recently moved from Seattle to NC - and I know next to nobody here. It's lonely but has given me time to focus on getting my body to a healthier place. It's great to find a group of like minded moms here!
Fayetteville as well!
Hi - I am a SAHM of a 1 and 2 year old. I let myself go with my first pregnancy and have been working hard to get my body back. Please feel free to add me - we can all use friends and support!!
Hi! I also live in NC. I'm a SAHM with 2 little ones. Feel free to add me.
Hello! I use a couch to 5K program and am on my 8th week. I struggled through the first 4 weeks and just couldn't stay commited. We just relocated our family almost 2 months ago and I picked back up at the 4 week training. I've been going solid since. Feel free to add me if you are looking for friends or any encouragement…
Hi - I am also a SAHM - I have 2. Can't imagine how you do anything with FIVE!!! Feel free to add me. I am new also.
I'm right there with you! I've lost the baby weight from my last - who is almost a year old. I've still got the weight I gained with my 2 year old to lose. I'm also looking for friends so please feel free to add me moms!
Thanks!! We are living in Fayetteville.