

  • also ladies, watch the alcohol. every doctor says somethin' different about when you can start drinking again if you choose to. but with the emotional changes you are going to go through it's easy to lose control. i've seen it happen to many of my girlfriends who have had any form of WLS....
  • leave it.... punk rock
  • i had a roux en y about 8 years ago. i was at 425 at my highest, got down to 180, got put on some meds that caused my weight to balloon, broke my ankle and needless to say i regained. i got back up to 300. now at 269. just doing portion control, calorie counting, making sure i get enough healthy fats, but i'm having…
  • i take a supplement. it's called one source complete and it has biotin and gelatin... the type is "hair, skin & nails multi." my nails have been growing like mad since i started taking it a few months ago and it's helping with my thinning hair.