jivegirl100 Member


  • If you're doing lots of gym workouts I'd suggest you'll be building new muscles. Muscle weighs more than fat (I think) so it's not unusual for the new muscle weight to outweigh (excuse the pun) the fat lost. Just an idea.
  • Try Strava - or Mapmyrun. Good luck!
  • PS the chest thing is just a lack of lung capacity/cardio fitness - I used to get that with a weird metallic taste in my mouth. It just takes a while to build up, but that stamina really does come - just take it gradually. Mix running (very slow jog) with fast walking. Build up gradually. Good luck!
  • c25k every time. You just have to force yourself through the pain barrier of the first few (5?) weeks, then you'll start finding it less awful (notice I didn't say easier!) Keep a record so you can see how much you've improved. I remember the pain of the first few weeks and building up to that first 20 minutes seemed…