

  • U should try to eat less fruits. I know that they say that fruits are healthy but is not always the case. They havengood stuff but they are moslty full of sugar! Evenif is natural is not so good for our organism. The only healthy fruits are: avocados, grapefruits, lemons, limes and tometoes. So try to stick to these ones…
  • How many kg u have now? Is pretty expensive but it is worth. :)
  • It goes pretty well. I have no pain or any problem. Just that I am not allowed to set any kind of food. Just soft food for the moment. I am still worried about my sugar carvings that I have sometimes :( but otherwise I recommend this surgery to anyone who needs it and who had thought of doing it!
  • Thank you. Yes that is my real picture......4 years ago before I gained 30 kg!!! :D I am cheating I know. I just put it there to inspire me to go back to that shape. Gastric sleeve is a surgery where they cut more than half of ur stomach and they take it out. So u r left with a 60 g stomach which fits 2 tablespoons of food…
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