

  • Take the time to pre-wash and pre-chop fruits and veggies when you bring them home from the store before you put them away. Then, crock pot, make ahead meals, and easy assemble foods (sandwiches, wraps, salads, soups, etc) will all be great options. You can find recipes for crock pot & make ahead meals online. And, perhaps…
  • I have tried to do it, but I couldn't do more than 2 days. For me, it made me sick at my stomach and gave me major headaches. I hear that those are some of the effects of detoxing, but it wasn't worth it for me. However, my sister and her sister-in-law have each done detoxes (juice and the Reboot Program) and have found it…
  • This one sounded funny to me at first, but it's so so yummy: Cook 10 slices of chopped regular bacon, 1/2 bell pepper diced, half red onion diced, and 4 oz sliced mushrooms until meat is cooked the way you like it and veggies are softened a bit. Arrange in the bottom of a 9x13 baking pan that has been sprayed with Pam.…
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