

  • @scubanana7 I stopped reading after #3 because I could tell it was all vitriol. Sorry if you got reasonable at some point after that. But in response to what I did read: I've never met anyone who considers ethics a fad, and gluten-free is a fad diet in that there are people (lots of people) convinced wheat (slash grains in…
  • I'm not gluten-free (thank goodness) but I've heard that some people who have issues with gluten can have Food For Life's sprouted stuff. I eat their Ezekiel 4:9 bread (just the regular kind) because it's the best (taste/texture/ingredient-wise) whole-grain bread I've had. I really want to try their cereal and tortillas,…
  • I'm just a numbers freak and I like to have all of the information. I'm tracking all of my food, all of my exercise, and keeping journals, I like having a number to tack on to that. I don't freak out over it though, it's only healthy to lose 1-2lbs per week, so most days I shouldn't lose anything.