

  • Name: James Starting Weight: 788 Current Weight: 696 Hieght 6'6 Goal Weight: 425 Favorite thing about dieting: Worst thing about dieting: Desserts Favorite diet food: Chicken Favorite thing about exercise: I feel better once I start that day. Worst thing about exercise: Starting Favorite exercise: Incline Fly's Most…
  • Black Bean Chicken Chilli 2 Cans of Corn 2 Frozen boneless skinless Chicken Breasts (about 1 1/4 pounds) 1 packet of Taco seasoning 2 cans Black Beans (drained and rinsed) 1 Jar Chunky Salsa ( I like Pace Hot) Add corn to bottom of crokpot, Place chicken on top of corn. Sprinkle on taco seasoning. Pour in Salsa, then add…