

  • Hello Ashley, my name is Myrna and I am also on this journey. I would suggest you buy the book The Shift. It is amazing! It really helped me and I refer to one thought that I learned there, everyday. That is :"The time will pass anyway". So, I might as well be doing something successful with that time. Because, in a year,…
  • That is wonderful! NICELY DONE!!! I too, have been packing around the extra pounds for most of my life. The only times I was thin, was when I was dealing with too much stress and I stopped eating. That is NOT the way to lose weight or get healthy. This is a time in my life when I know what I need to do, and I am doing it!…
  • Good Morning, maybe you were low in protein on the days you had anxiety. Did you check your foods entry to see if you were down on protein for those days? Or maybe you were dehydrated? Adding water to your body makes it work better and you feel better too.
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