

  • Red and yellow peppers work for me!
  • I would suggest trying to count calories, at least for a short time. I used to be in the same boat, boot camp 3x week, cardio 3x week and wasn't losing. Once I started using MFP to count calories, I was shocked at how many more calories there were in my "healthy" diet. As my trainer told me many many times, exercise is…
  • I use it and it actually syncs with MyFitnessPal for an extra pact. It definitely makes me do that extra workout a week that I sometimes dread. You can set it so you only have $5 at stake per missed workout, or more if you need that extra motivation. Here's how I use it: I do boot camp 3x/week and I don't wear my phone…
  • Overall goal - look awesome in wedding dress in October NSV - engagement ring is getting looser CW: 146 GW: 135 Goal for 4/30: 140 4/1 4/8 4/15 4/22 4/30