

  • I'm tired of being a fat mom too! I have an 8 year old daughter that is very active and 2 step-grandchildren that are 16 months and 9 months. Hard to take care of them when you yourself have no energy. You can do this. Last year at this time I was 20 lbs lighter. I had started Weight Watchers in November of 2008 and lost…
  • Hi! I'm back on for the last 3 days. I had quit logging on for about a month and find that I need to do this to keep track of what I'm doing! I quit smoking 5 1/2 weeks ago (yeah me!) but am finding that I seem to just stay at one weight so am hoping that this will help me by logging on! Good luck on your journey. Ronda
    in Hey Comment by rrnbsn0724 May 2010