

  • throw it face up on the floor, what do you get 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, J,K,Q(=25) A(=50) alternate the 5 exercises, untill the deck of cards is done. I was so worn out by half the deck the first time but start off slow Good luck!
  • Cute little one in the picture, I have a hard time excersising too, I run mainly, but I lifted before I got told I had to have reconstructed surgery. I hated not going to the gym, but I didnt like going without my husband so I would work out at home. you have 5 core body excersises that will help build long lean muscles…
  • lower carbs is a good Idea but pick a time of day, my husband doesnt have any carbs at lunch - dinner, I dont have any carbs starting at 4pm. If you are lowing carbs, you need protein and fat, I would do Whole eggs and egg whites, u need 24g of protein in this 1 whole egg has 5g of fat at 6g of protein and egg white has 3g…
  • 1. make sure you are hydrated, and are drinking 1/2 of your body weight in oz 2. Make sure you have a good pre work out meal or shake, something with a good amount of protein and carbs, I take 1 scoop of Optimum nutrition protein 24g of protein and add 1/2 cups oats raw....but i cook them before adding them that gives you…
  • Trail mix! Make yourself some trail mix with healthy nuts like almonds, walnuts, pecans, even seeds, like pumpkin and sunflower (stay away from peanuts) as some dry fruit like Rasins, yogurt covered, mango, bananas, pineapple(try to get freeze dried no added sugars) a half a cup of this is about 180 calories it has healthy…
  • how long have you been on this life style change? You are doing something called the paleo diet, mainly where you eat all fruit, veggies and meat. Some people can not do this diet because of their body types. 1. An Endomorph's biggest concern should be the losing of fat and adopting a lifestyle that keeps it off. Strength…
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