lemsiptoothpick Member


  • Hello Charlotte, I'm from Bath too! I have around 4 stone to see off. I'm like you, not dieting as such (as soon as I deprive myself, all I can think of is food!) but trying to move more and just eat a bit less. X
  • If it's any consolation, my "baby" was 6 in September, and I still look like I'm pregnant.....
  • Yes, it gets better! You see results really quickly too. I have done it a couple of times, and the first 2 or 3 days KILL, but after that, you will find it much easier. Keep going through the pain, it's worth it! I'm on day 2. I hurt :)
  • I started doing it a few weeks ago, but my sciatica has been quite bad, so I haven't been out running for a week or so - I went this morning and managed 7 mins of it before having to limp home! I'm not a natural runner, but it's a good way to get into it definitely. Once the old back sorts itself, I shall join you!