Malonsky Member


  • Since 2010, I have lost and regained weight 4 times (290 to 225 (2010), to 258 to 201 (2012), to 280 to 228 (2015), to 270 to my current wight of 228. I agree that motivation is overrated, because I will get motivated, but that can't last forever. Something else (determination? goal?) has to kick in at some point to…
  • Welcome Back! Starting again is never a bad thing. I recently started back up after about a year off (during which time I gained what I had previously lost). Feel free to add me as a friend as well. I'm well on my way, but there are always those days when one is in need of support to keep going!
  • Arielle, January 2010, I weighed 285. and decided to get serious about my weight loss. Over the next few months I was really droppng the weight. Probably about 20 pounds in, people started commenting on my appearance, but I really did not notice anything myself. Probably because I had always seen myself as "big" so it was…
  • Hey Leona, Just wanted to congratulate you on starting C25K. I started it last year because, like you, I was NO runner, but wanted to run a 5K that my church was sponsoring. It is a fantastic training plan! I'm afriad i will not be doing it this year, but I wish you the best of luck. Keep us updated on how you do! Craig