blz_ocean Member


  • I understand that you want to look in the mirror and like what you see. I have struggled with letting go of the number on the scale and focusing on non-scale goals. Maybe a reset of your goals will help motivate you? Right now, I am trying to get more toned. I know building muscle might actually increase my weight and I…
  • Absolutely! If I could be in the Olympics, I would want to compete in trampoline. So fun!
  • Highly entertained by this entire thread! I love both the ridiculous comments as well as the people who have made some very valid points. It is actually a good question - what truly defines a sport? Yes, I saw all of the dictionary need to post more. But all of that aside, you have to admit that trampoline as an…
  • I use races of some sort to keep me motivated. I registered for my first 5k two years ago. I wasn't a runner but wanted to be and I needed to lose 20 poungs. I did a program for "Walking to 5k in 8 weeks" to get going. The race I did was a Kommen 5k for Breast Cancer. I found that once I signed up, I knew I had to train or…
  • Amazing! What an inspiration! You look fantastic!