mapryan Member


  • Check out the Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries 2900 calories for a single serving!!
  • Just looked that up and it says 233 calories for a single slice. What I'm looking for is what's the highest single entry Cheers
  • This is exactly what it's been like for me. In fact, on Saturday I was on W4D2 and found myself slowing down to take a rest. I also always remember to try and relax as much as possible. Good luck everyone. I can't believe I'm almost running 10k!
  • Yep. I'm at Week 4 Day 2. Like you, I found week 1 really hard. Key thing I've found is that stretches are much more important with the B210K than they were on the C25K. Also, B25K is actually the reason I'm here. It occurred to me that running for an hour would be a hell of a lot easier if I was carrying 3 or 4 kilos…
  • I wonder what I'll do the next time I fly from the UK to Australia. That could get confusing. I guess the key thing is just to get it all down and not worry about the particular day as it all smooths out in the weekly averages
  • Thanks TrufflePig. I could tell by how I felt after eating lunch that there was a lot more calories in there than I thought Funny how you get to feel how calorific things are after a while
    in Wagamama Comment by mapryan August 2011
  • Thanks. I actually did put Yaki Soba in, as it seemed a lot more realistic than the Yaki Udon listing. Just a little disappointed in their trying to dodge my question about the calorific values of their food. I make stuff at home myself and it's very easy to work out how much calories are in there using my myfitnesspal.…
    in Wagamama Comment by mapryan August 2011