TerraHerring1 Member


  • I personally wouldn't say anything negative unless someone asked..I do have to ask why someone goes to the trouble of inputting the info and keep track if they are just going to eat like crud but whatever lol
  • 5'8" here and I have never felt very tall but than again I am taller than a lot of men out there (you never realize how many short men there are until you are a somewhat taller woman LOL) and I would never want to be much taller than what I am, I have a hard enough time finding long jeans! My SW is 151 I'm at 149 (just…
  • I'd love to get to 135. I started at 150 and weighed in at 148 this morning. I was around 127-130 before I had my son 12yrs ago and i was too thin in my opinion but about 135 would be just right and thats if I tone up too, thats the worst part!! I'm right at 5'8"