HoneyBadger302 Member


  • Hey all, I joined the "new" FB group, I missed weigh ins the start of this month, but currently sitting around where I was, but day to day is varying wildly due to workouts/schedules/races/trackdays/inconsistent eating due to schedule being wild. Feeling good overall though, and staying on top of the important things at…
  • The pad is basically a more compact treadmill without all the armature and tall display so it can fit under a desk. You need to set your desk up like a standing desk - so in my case, I just have monitor and laptop mounts on my desk that position things at a height I can work and walk on the pad. It took a couple/few weeks…
  • @SherryRueter The FB group link didn't work for me, but would love to join (seemed like some kind of security setting on the group). Today was a "heavy" day, but I finally restarted my workouts. Made it through Q1 with some very minor changes to my daily routine (mostly the walking pad under my desk) but also starting to…
  • I'm currently in the outer edges of the Atlanta, GA metro area. Not from here though, grew up in WI, most of my adult life was in the San Francisco area. My heart will always be out there, I loved it (generally speaking) but for many reasons that just wasn't feasible anymore, so here I am. It's not too bad here, I like it…
  • Just the "Inspire" model I believe. In the app under "Today" just scroll down to "Health Metrics" and you can see Today or Trends (only goes back 90 days max),then click or scroll to each item
  • I've had those days, but I've also found that a "moment" isn't the end of the world. So a meal, or a dessert, or dealing with some munchies - workouts, well, I've been pretty bad about that myself lately, so can't say that I've got great advice there other than, again, something is better than nothing. So a 5 min walk is…
  • 45, 5'7" SW Trend: 158.2 End GW: ~128-132 (but may adjust up as I get closer due to potentially more muscle mass than when I was previously at that weight) Mar Goal: Minimum 7.5K steps/day (that may go up with the treadmill); weight trending downward; 2 pounds down (trend ideal) 3/6/24: 157.6 3/20/24: 155.0 Today was a low…
  • Caveat that I am not a medical professional in any way, shape, or form. Typically when I think of vegetable diversity I think: Color and Type (root, leaf, fruit (of the plant), flower, bulb, berry, etc) So, to me, making sure I had veggie diversity would be getting veggies that are a variety of those two categories.…
  • 45, 5'7" SW Trend: 158.2 End GW: ~128-132 (but may adjust up as I get closer due to potentially more muscle mass than when I was previously at that weight) Mar Goal: Minimum 7.5K steps/day (that may go up with the treadmill); weight trending downward; 2 pounds down (trend ideal) 3/6/24: 157.6 I can't lie - the end of…
  • I got a walking pad for under the desk. Desk job is when my weight started to become a problem, and has been ever since. Trying to find a solution I can stick to since being hungry all the time is not a solution I can/will stick to (as history has proven), whereas more exercise has always coincided with my most successful…
  • Very quick pop in - I leave for vacation tomorrow, and my to-do list is far longer than hours in the days for the next couple weeks LOL! 45, 5'7" SW Trend: 158.2 End GW: ~128-132 (but may adjust up as I get closer due to potentially more muscle mass than when I was previously at that weight) Feb Goal: Minimum 7.5K…
  • I also enjoy hiking, martial arts, riding my motorcycles, and HATE typical "cardio" exercises. So, get creative - personally once I got into it, I found I loved weight lifting (but hate calisthenic type workouts). Zumba was fun and a bit more entertaining for me, and found it was something I could enjoy a couple times a…
  • Just pointing out that this really stood out to me, especially the bolded part. With my business up and running (albeit needing growth, the groundwork has been laid), my #1 goal this year was to finally prioritize my health and fitness and once and for all get down to (and start maintaining) my goal weight. I didn't really…
  • Ann gave a great response, I will add that raw broccoli is murder for my gut, although I have found that well-cooked (ie slightly overdone) or frozen then cooked is more tolerable. The cruciferous veggies can be tough for some to eat in general. If your body isn't used to the natural fibers and such that come with veggies,…
  • Part of me wants to snap my fingers and be at my goal, but only if it comes with the knowledge of being able to maintain it. My history of yo-yo'ing (always above my goal although I was probably within 5 pounds of it in 2019) proves I need to learn what maintenance looks like for me. I'm hoping I've come across a possible…
  • This is a struggle for me lately, but I tend to run into this a bit most winters, especially if it's been a "bad" winter like this year has been, so I also know a lot of it is a type of SAD combined with crappy weather preventing me from doing the things I love. I still get outside every day, generally a minimum of 1-2…
  • Like stated, it won't affect your metabolism. The issue for most of us is that we don't recognize when we are actually hungry vs not, and resisting that delicious "whatever" when we technically aren't hungry anymore can be nearly impossible. There's also a time lag between when you eat something and your brain's ability to…
  • Pretty sure I'm juggling a bit of a case of SAD which leads to a variety of other "doom and gloom" attitudes. This is making motivation to do things very hard to come by. I got out for a little ride on Saturday late afternoon, but it was short, and now the weather is back to the pattern of being beautiful and nice during…
  • Now that I've been using it a week, I'm adapting pretty well and getting better at working while walking and have been able to up the pace a bit more. Today it looks like I'll end the day with over 20K steps, and no "extra" time carved out of my already full days! I'm wishing I had tried one a long time ago!
  • Hey all, jumping back in here. Priority #1 for 2024 is getting a grip on my health and fitness once and for all. Finding some ways to make it happen. Picked up an under desk treadmill/walking pad that showed up this week - holy smokes, we shall see but it feels almost magical. Significant activity increase, very little…
  • Traction is going to vary based on how often you weigh, what you're starting at, how consistent you are with tracking/weighing/measuring everything (or just using generic entries or labels), and a variety of other factors such as new workouts, etc. If I am "getting back on the wagon" it will take months before I start to…
  • Informative post and thread/responses! I'm in my mid forties (smack in the middle at 45), ADHD (not formally diagnosed, but not interested in fighting through figuring out meds since most of my work-arounds are well established by now), and on Mirena. There were several things mentioned in the article that have been a…
  • Female, 5 7" - smallish frame. 45 y/o. Honestly no idea about when I was in high school - as a kid, I never struggled with weight, I was always the scrawny one. Growing up I was homeschooled in a small town, so it wasn't something I was really faced with. I didn't pay much attention to it until I was in my 20's and…
  • All of the generalized BMI type charts (smart or not) say I'm at a healthy weight. I am NOT. Each individual really is vastly different. As an apple-shaped female, where the vast majority of my fat stores center around my mid section and spread out from there (the most unhealthy way to carry excess fat), for optimal…
  • I just want to say that I really appreciate this thread, and @herringboxes your stories in particular. My #1 goal this year is to get to, and enter maintenance at my goal weight. I have a number in mind, but I am willing to settle above that if I feel I have reached the level of "trim" I feel I should have due to…
  • Re: Doggo - if you're looking for a running partner, I'd recommend looking at adopting one around 2-3 years old. They are VERY limited on how much running like that they can do the first couple years. Lots of puppers out there who love to run! Definitely good to have a yard though - my sister lives in an apartment with her…
  • I struggle with "the nibbles" big time, and it is often the downfall of my progress...generally I "feel" like I'm hungry, but nibbling on junk, as it is designed, leads to eating more junk as none of it REALLY gives your body what it needs (and it's literally designed to be addicting). My first battle is to not have it…
  • I don't have time to "meal prep" which takes hours - not something I have time to dedicate to right now between my day job, my business, my house, and my pets (particularly my working lines puppy who is very high energy and starting training in an intense sport). For me, I keep some meal-service meals in the freezer. Here…
  • As someone who has done 75 Hard several times, and am currently in the midst of Phase 3 of a Live Hard year - at least in my experience, if I'm going into things having fallen off the proverbial wagon (like I did between phases this fall/early winter), it takes some time for my body to adjust, then around the 3 week (ish)…
  • Thanks - yes, we got this, one day at a time! Puppy will keep me on my toes - my pet sitter even commented today that of all of her dogs, he is the highest energy by a lot LOL. I think we found a Schutzhund club to start training with, which will help us focus that busy little brain a bit more than the casual work I've…