SophieRosieMom Member


  • Good morning ladies! Beth - thinking of you this morning, hope all goes well with the "turn on". After over a week of wearing my left-ear hearing aid, I had to remove it early because the top of my ear was so sore from the eyeglass ear piece pressing on it for 8-10 hours at a time. :( I tried three different pairs of…
  • MFP Weekly Check-in 5-13-24 Debbie in Napa Valley, CA - 151.6 so down just .2 but better than going up. Rita in Roswell NM - Down a little from last week. That’s encouraging! Lanette SW WA State- Also down .5 # this past week, staying in desired weight range. Getting more activity “house walking” again now that foot is…
  • Annie- don't forget, Teddy wishes you a Happy Mother's Day and appreciates you and thanks you for being his momma every day of the year! <3 Several years ago my friend T starting giving me "Happy Mother's Day from the Dog" cards with some flowers. This year the card was from the dog, the cat and the hens. So why not? And…
  • Happy US Mother's Day to all you moms of kids, grandkids, pets, livestock, spouses, etc. :D Carol - I grew up with breakfast, dinner for the noon meal and supper for the evening meal. :p Now, it's breakfast, lunch and supper for just me or dinner with others if that makes sense. Also, where I grew up, sweet carbonated…
  • Heather - For your DSIL - I'm assuming she loved him, at least really cared about him although it wasn't reciprocated. Here goes: Flea and Tracey and Okie - wonderful the Northern Lights put on a show for you. I guess they did around here at midnight, I'm seeing lovely photos. Hope there's a repeat tonight. Rita - sorry…
  • Good morning ladies- I was up super early, couldn't sleep, so went outside to look for the Aurora Borealis. No sign. There's some light pollution north of me, but still I should see something. Maybe tonight. Evidently there is a slight chance of the power grid and/or the internet being affected, but so far so good. How are…
  • Monique - hope your sciatica gets better. Seems like many of us in the group have sciatica or similar problems in the past few months. I came across this Bob & Brad video for hip stretches, and I'm going to start incorporating them. I've had some pain in the rear/legs from too much sitting and just when I think I need to…
  • Heather - Gnocchi and Peche and Brioche pour le dessert. Let's go for the gusto! We fast tomorrow, lol. <3 Lanette
  • Kylia, glad you mentioned how much you liked your Stihl GTA 26 battery operated pruning saw. This afternoon I tried it out. It's very easy to use. I watched a couple YouTube videos first to get some of the finer points. Using it reminded me how out of shape I was, lol. And how little my hands are, it was a stretch to…
  • Rita - I set my macros at 20% carbs, 25% protein and 55% healthy fats a couple weeks ago. These percentages seem to work best for me. I'm not sure I could go lower on carbs, even though I've pretty much eliminated sugar and processed foods & "white carbs." I like a piece of Ezekiel bread for toast and a small apple and/or…
  • Barbie - same thing at my house. :p :p Lanette
  • MFP Weekly Check-in 5-6-24 Debbie in Napa Valley, CA - 151.8- down .6lbs. Getting closer to the 140's. Looks like I need to keep my steps averaging 15000-17000 and calories at 1100 to lose half a pound. At least it is going down and not up. Sue in WA State - still maintaining at 220. Missed water exercise on Tuesday due to…
  • Michele - I wonder if you could sneak maybe 1/3 turkey into your meatloaf, the rest with ground beef. I used to use 1/3 pork to keep the meatloaf moist, the turkey might make it a little dryer. I might experiment with that one of these days. I even used to use VEAL to make meatballs in the olden days. Not sure places even…
  • Terri - I forgot to mention how much I appreciate when you give details about what you've done to stay on track with keeping your weight under control. Good advice for newbies and great reminders for those of us not-so-new. <3 Debbie - great suggestions for mixing cauliflower rice and white rice. I read somewhere that…
  • Rita - do you have a preferred range of carbs that you want to stick to? I aim for under 80 net carbs, and of course that's eliminating the white starchy stuff. I can still manage a handful of berries and small apple without doing too much damage but boy, those carbs sure add up don't they? I wanted to thank you for…
  • mom locks the chickens up every night. They are let out in the mornings. She actually has an alarm set on her phone to remind her to lock them up at night. She is having to go out later because of the time change. She uses a hose to chase them inside if they are not in when she goes out. Her chickens are fenced in at all…
  • Debbie - OK, I'm going to start battery chainsaw shopping. When the landscape crew was out here a few weeks ago and took down a couple trees, they didn't saw the remains of the trunks down to ground level and I hit one of them with the mower yesterday. Needs to be a hair lower - I already have the mower deck set pretty…
  • Rita - I think a lot of people get upset with change, especially as they age. I'm one of those "set in my ways" and it seems with each passing day, I get further rooted, lol. My DH was that way, and it might have been due to his encroaching dementia too. I know there are folks who easily go with the flow and I'm not one of…
  • Carol - hope the hearing aids you found on Amazon do the job. I'm thinking of going that route if my old one doesn't work out. The FDA says the OTC aids are OK for mild to moderate hearing loss - hard to hear in groups, on the phone, etc. Which is me. And it now looks like they're rechargeable. Those teensy batteries are a…
  • Good morning ladies, Sorry to hear about all of the illnesses of family and friends. Seems like they are popping up all over the place. After she was down for 2 weeks, I got in a little walk with my now-recovered neighbor. And I talked to my neighbor on the other side last night, her husband has had a headache, no energy,…
  • Thank you Barbie. Let's do this! Lanette B) SW WA State
  • Annie - Another thought on the battery operated mower if you are considering that route. Great job on the bike and walking, you are back in the groove. :p Lisa - I know you'll have a great time with your friend. Best visitors we ever had was DH's cousin and wife. DH gave them his car keys (he was retired by then) and they…
  • What I've been watching the past few weeks: Finished the latest season of Father Brown Finished the latest season of Death in Paradise Finished the latest season of Beyond Paradise Now I'm into Season 2 of The Bletchley Circle. On the edge of my seat! :# Need to figure out what's next. Maybe reruns of Vera? :p Lanette
  • Okie - thanks for checking in! Glad you were weren't affected. I saw photos of Sulphur - terrible devastation, glad your friend and her family are all good. Vicki has been on my mind quite a bit lately. Hope we hear from her soon. Lanette
  • Okie - I'm just catching up on the news. Hope you weren't affected by the tornadoes in Oklahoma. What a wild weather weekend (and even into today I guess.) :( Flea - so very good to hear you are a boring patient. :p Annie - I have a battery operated Stihl mower that I push, and the battery drives the blade. I use it to get…
  • MFP Weekly Check-in 4-29-24 Debbie in Napa Valley, CA - 151.4 this morning. Nice to see it going down 2 lbs since last time. Thought it was going to be up a bit or the same because of all the salty food at dinner last night. Plus, walked a bit less this week. Sue in WA State - It has been a pretty good week. I was able to…
  • Good afternoon ladies! Kelly - wow, lots going on with ailing friends and family. I too am excited for your daughter and family to move up closer, crossing fingers for son-in-law's interview. ;) Heather - love the hats! Max looks very nice, as does your DH. Vicki - we are anxiously waiting to hear how things are. Hopefully…
  • Vicki - I saw that some nasty tornadoes went through your area yesterday. Hope you and yours were safe. Margaret - Art in Bloom was a terrific way to spend time with Jane. You look great and love that cute top. Annie - glad the electrician made it out and fixed the problem. Understandable that it's hard to get back in the…
  • Allie - So sorry to hear about the little one. Big (((Hugs))) heading to Tracy. Lanette